The Photographers' Gallery IG Takeover

I’m very excited to be taking over the Photographers’ Gallery Instagram this week with Rethinking Eastern Europe, ahead of our upcoming collective exhibition at Copeland Gallery. Follow along as we share works by the incredible participating artists.

Curated by Zula Rabikowska & Vera Hadzhiyska, this exhibition is part of Rethinking Eastern Europe—a project dedicated to reimagining narratives of the region.

Artists: Arti Siudem (@artisiudem), Diana Serban (@battlegrounds19), Eve Gil (, Filip Gesse (@filipjangesse), Grupa Łono (@grupalono), Hanna-Katrina Jędrosz (@hannakatrina_photo), Ioana Marinca (@ioanamarincaphoto), Ismail Khokon (@ismaildiverse), Karla Šavrtková (@karlasavrtkova), Katerina Kouzmitcheva (@katerina_kouzmitcheva), Katie McCraw (@katiemccraw), Ksenia Kazintseva (@essentialaspects), Laura Bivolaru (@laura_bivolaru) Lăcră Grozăvescu (@lacra.grozavescu), Lina Ivanova (@linavanova), Marcelina Amelia (@marcelinaamelia), Maria Gvardeitseva (@maria.gvard), Nastassja Nefjodov (@nnefjodov), Patricia Petersen (@patriciaisabel), Paulina Korobkiewicz (@pakropka), Roxana Savin (@roxana.n.savin), Vera Hadzhiyska (@verahadzhiyska), Zsuzsanna Ida Papp (@papp_ida_zsuzsanna), Zula Rabikowska (@zula.ra)

#RethinkingEasternEurope #CopelandGallery #ThePhotographersGallery


'Fragments of Home' Installation Week at Rosetta Arts


'Fragments of Home' Installation Views